Last post?

Posted by Ramya Shankar on Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The last few days were really testing times for me. I was on a emotional high but now am slowly riveting back to normal. But I have no hopes that things are going to be the same way any longer. I've grown to assume that anything good that happens to me comes with a big price which I can't afford. Life's becoming monotonous, posts seem mundane. This blog is probably breathing its last moments... HOPE is such a misleading word.



well, not to sound preachy...but ultimately hope will work!!!! just keep clinging on...and what's a blog for if not to vent your feelings? go on, girl!! all the best!

world is a misleading place. true

hope, hope that there is still hope...

Anonymous says:

Trust me everything always works out for the better. Keep going

Life is like that...
If you started giving up, then a point will come when there is no turning back...
Happiness will not come on its own. You have to prepare your mind to enjoy life...
I can say all these dialogues like a lecturer... But I don't know what is the problem and its seriousness... So, all that I want to say is...

Cheer up yaar...
Chummaa Enjoy maadi.....

yes. just keep clinging on. enjoy.

guess, u need a break!

Just chill ...

Hope sounds misleading but at the end u realise it was always there just hidden - take care darling - breathe longer, relax more - time will heal

hey..take the break but come back with all the force!!

Say cheeeese

As anu said, have a break, have a kitkat

Now get back to work

(Studies and Blogging)

take a brk n come bak!!

Just hang on there girl!!! Just remember Life goes a full circle...Am pretty sure that a smart girl like u can weather things out....

"This blog is probably breathing its last moments." whaa? are you kidding?

and as for HOPE, lemme quote something here : "Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness." -- so, you can either look at it as something to gain strength from or be negative about it. The choice is always yours.

"The glass is always half-full or half-empty, depending on how you look at it"

Anonymous says:

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous says:

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous says:

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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