Of rains, blasts and nothing much!
Unreachable people, cut off from the world outside, staring at the firing happening in Bombay on TV - hurried calls to relatives to inquire if all is fine, screaming a few swearwords at the people responsible, getting upset at not being able to do much about it, (if blogging or changing status messages would help, I would have done it long back!) brooding over the same with folks at home, all conversations boiling down to pretty much nothing. Period.
Sit by the window in a plush armchair with a warm cuppa of green tea in hand, listening to some music I can't connect to - it doesn't matter- , texting friends, flipping magazines, munching on things I swore I wouldn't touch ever again, ignoring calls and chats - just not in the mood for a conversation -, thinking of the things I could / should have been doing, blank, nothing, standstill is where me and my world have reached.