Spring in the step
Yes, it's that time of the semester when you must say sympathetic things like "This too shall pass" and motivate me to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Oh and what a dark and long tunnel this has been. No, this doesn't mean I've spotted the light yet. Unless one of you decides to hold a torch or something and guide me out. I'm still groping around in the dark. Spring is absolutely gorgeous. The birds, pink flowers, frequent thunderstorms, the first hint of green. I love it so much that I can't stop tearing up every time I step out. #allergies What would I do without my big bumblebee shades and a big roll of Kleenex that I carry everywhere!
Anyhow, this has clearly been my most challenging and demanding semester ever. Every time I breathe a sigh of relief, something else comes up to take its place. Every weekend is spent bringing things up to speed and I'd rather not talk much about my weekdays. I'm a proactive person and all these constantly changing schedules and deadlines are pushing me to my wits end. My planner has seen so many changes that it actually gave up on me. It is true, grad life really teaches you to handle pressure like nothing else in life. Only maybe next to parenthood - but it's too early to comment on that.
Excessive amounts of caffeine have been consumed over the last few weeks. My blood should be brown by now, I think. I also need to lose this habit of eating ice cream with cookies post 2AM. Oh and caramel pop corn - MUST STOP BUYING THEM AGAIN! Did you know "Naked" makes all these yummy gooey protein shakes with the weirdest of ingredients. They're so expensive, but they are fattening me up with some good stuff. Who said you eat less during summer? I seem to be hungry all the time. Oh wait, summer isn't here until end of June. Weird country, I tell you.
Wait a minute, I didn't intend to talk about food ! Well, too late! I've clearly lost it or someone has spiked my morning coffee.
Yeah, you may pour sympathies now. OkThanksBye!