Double Attack

Posted by Ramya Shankar on Friday, January 05, 2007
I've been given this tag by WA who doesn't seem to have spared anyone on her blogroll and also by Sandhya who seems to have no other chance but to tag the same ppl all over again !
The tag requires me to disclose 5 things about myself that people don't know. But don't expect me to list down 10 coz I got tagged twice coz listing down 5 itself is going to make this tedious and also coz most of you know me too well but also coz I've got to finish the tag and also coz I've got to put an end to this line which by the way is getting too long :D

1) I jumped onto this tag, coz I love to talk about myself. I'm no narcissist but still, who wouldn't want to talk about themselves ? Oh come on, stop pretending to be all modest, each one of us would have a zillion things to tell about ourselves. It only matters whom you want to broadcast all that to.

2) I've learnt classical music and dance professionally for 8 and 4 years respectively.

3) I'm majorly sentimental & sympathetic over little things.I might sound passive, but then it doesn't take me long to form a puddle around myself.

4) I don't really like chocolates and ice-creams. Not that I hate them, nor am I particularly crazy about them.
(OK, eyebrows down and pupils back into your sockets please! )

5) I've been blogging for 2 years and not 1.7 years as most of you think. I run another (dormant) anonymous blog whose url I obviously do not intend to disclose.
Questions pertaining to this will be blatantly ignored.

And the nice soul that I possess asks me not to tag anyone and leave it to the reader's discretion whether to take this up or not !



He he!!! You hate chocolates and ice-creams??? :O Unbelievable!!! Ice-creams kooda vidu!!! CAN't think of life without chockis!! :D

yeneway!!! since u're so prompt in accepting a tag... I'll make sure u're tagged everytime!!!

pa. . . 1.7 years, 2 years ellam. ok i'm asking you now, what is the URL of your topsecret blog which you have maintained for 0.3 years longer?
(asked just to give you the thrill of rejecting to disclose your 'other' URL,lol..)

and idhellam konjam over. side bar la 'i'm ramya, from india' it seems. as if this blog is being devoured and overridden by people from all over the damn globe! L O L. free ah vittuko, chumma dhaan. maybe its there on my blog too, i'll check it out! ;)

#3 & #4 is so me:-)

Anonymous says:

she's been blogging for 2 yrs on the anonymous blog!
Alrite, I'll flee before u get me for this ! :D

its five years since i last had chocolate :|

Lous you for 3! *high fives*

Anonymous says:

Paattu ellam vera paaduviyaa? Nice

and as to the other blog I am getting very curious now, apdi enna dhaan ezhudhuve ange, hmmmm

>>I don't really like chocolates and ice-creams.

What???!! :O how can one not like icecreams and chocos?!!! :O

hey rumz.... i think i know / have guessed 4 out of the 5 (except the 4th one) you have told here...so as per the rules of the tag, u need to disclose 4 more about urself :p

moral of the story is that ppl wont be interested in knowing things about u until u explicitly say it is a secret and they ought not to know........ so keeping in that tradition i ask u
"What is the url of the other blog where u post anonymously??" :D

u hate chocolates and icecreams? :O :O :O :O :O

anonymous blog???? Hmmm.. nadakattum nadakattum! :)

Anonymous says:

I know you have an anonymous blog :D But you don't knoe me.

Hi Ramya, thanks for visiting my blog. You can know about me in 'tagged again' and I think it is 'first time tagged'... Will start going through your blog completely.

Kewl!!! nice tagging :)

So so when do we get to see u perform? ;p hehe

im more curious of how the anon blogger started blogging openly - it rarely happens ;p

I'm majorly sentimental & sympathetic over little things.
Ahaaaa Ramya..if there's one thing in common btwn both of us..it's this! :)

I dont hate it, I don't go gaga over it either! :D

Ignored !

Aww, u too ?


:D :D :D

Anga orey the pershonal bitchings ! :D

I never said I don't like them !!!

Ignored :D :D

Karthik BS,
Adhey adhey ! :D

Brilliant, good for u ! :)

Welcome here ! :)

Thanks boss !

The anon blogger remains anon ! :D

Oh come on, there are so many more.. I'll elucidate tomo !

>> I never said I don't like them !!!

Oh.. really??? who wrote this then?? :D

>> I don't really like chocolates and ice-creams

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