The other girl

I am strong

But, tomorrow will be different day. I just know it.

Slouchy Sunday

A strange Monday
Feelings that were buried deep along with thoughts that I thought I'd forget are surfacing. Emotions and memories that were easy to put aside are not easy when recollected. The mind is a strange little creation. A lot of times we tend to underestimate its ability to remember things. Sometimes things so trivial, details so unimportant, that it challenges its existence in itself.

Halfway through a challenge

30 day challenge

Redefining purposes


To ink or not

Spring in the step

World Cup 2011

Burn to Bake
When I came to the United States, I was a pathetic cook. Every graduate student in the US says this at some point in their lives. I certainly wasn't the worst of all, but I did suck terribly at it. I couldn't even make dal without burning it in spite of mom supervising me over Skype. I cooked to survive. But now, I cook to flaunt. A few months ago, I was introduced to the whole concept of baking and ever since my weight loss is going downhill. I now find myself following more food blogs then fitness blogs. Much to a lot of people's annoyance, I watch the Food Network more than I watch Glee or How I Met Your Mother. I have spent way too much money on baking equipment. My cupboard in the kitchen is loaded with all these fancy sounding ingredients that when added in different proportions make these amazing, calorie-rich dishes that have even more exotic names. Every time I turn on the oven or light the stove, I secretly say a prayer to hope that I don't set the house on fire like I did when I baked for the first time.
Other than weekly culinary attempts, academia takes the rest of my time. And if you are a graduate student, you know that this is the time of the semester when all the deadlines come breathing fire down your neck. Projects, Posters, Paper presentations, Classes, Assignments, more projects and lots of caffeine to survive through all of this. I'm not sure if all this knowledge has made me wiser or not, but I can vouch for the fact that I have more caffeine in my system than blood. I am much more forgetful than ever before. I set reminders for myself and then have stickies all around the house to remind me about the reminders. I eat for comfort and then run facing the guilt. This is clearly not working for me.
But on the bright side, I have better things to look forward to in a few weeks. Until then, eat a cookie! :)

Gone are the days
Queuing up at the canteen for an oily samosa and dashing past teachers to get to class when the familiar bell went off. Waiting the entire week for the solitary Games period and getting disappointed when the Math teacher borrows it to complete the syllabus. Group politics. Lotus, Red Rose, Blue Bells & Sunflower. Pestering the games sir every year to switch your group to the same one as your best friend's. Request being denied because that would just cause too much raucous.
Feeling important rehearsing for our menial roles in the school anniversary and sports day. Secretly rejoicing because that only meant not sitting through Organic Chemistry and Calculus. Coming up with creative ideas for charts and campaign slogans for the school elections. Patronizing the cultural secretary to select you for external culturals. Facing the day when you are actually on the other side of the game. English labs, Moral Science classes and the sleep inducing Transcendental Meditation, post lunch.
Slogging through extra classes on Saturdays in uniforms minus the canvas shoes and sometimes replacing the salwar with jeans to look cool. Enrolling in tuitions because your friends went too. Doing tuition homeworks under the desk during English class. Distributing chocolates and wearing "color dress" on your birthday. The joy when you get away wearing nail polish or a colorful hair accessory. Bossing around when you were made the class monitor. Guarding the cupboard key with your life. Changing the date and proverb on the blackboard every day.
Chalk fights, stationary stealers, gang wars and section politics. Fights sans conspiracies. Competitions minus the jealousy. Of bountiful embarrassing moments and countless memories. Some friends changed, some stuck on. The golden days may be gone but the memories will live on forever.
Shri Gurubhyo Namaha!

Overheard on the bus
Meet Mallu Girl who desperately needs to realize the existence of moisturizers and lip balms. She wears a leopard print scarf over a frumpy winter coat and carries a fake red Prada bag that has likely been picked up from a thrift market.
The Marathi boy is dressed in a smart Calvin Klien coat and what look like genuine Italian leather shoes. He tries to look all important by unlocking and locking his iPhone every few minutes. You would think he's all posh until you hear his Marathi infused English.
Anyhow, here's a part of the conversation that my attention was limited to.
Mallu Girl: Have you heard of that 127 hours movie?
Marathi Boy: Wow! How many parts is it coming out in?
Mallu Girl: *giggle* No man, the movie is called 127 hours. It is a horror movie.
Marathi Boy: Wow! I love ghost stories.
Mallu Girl: But this is a different kind of horror movie. Not the ghost types. More like a suspense thriller. I heard it's based on a real life story. My friend said it was very disturbing.
Marathi Boy: Oh! You know what, I actually wanted to watch Dhobi Ghat. I used to live in Andheri. Have you heard of that place? I saw a lot of familiar places in the teasers..I used to hang out in all those places... blah.... Juhu... blah...but Thane...blah blah...
And he continued to ramble descriptively and proudly about the chaos in Mumbai shortly after he stereotyped the people by their geographic areas. I don't judge people too quickly, but I couldn't resist forming an opinion on this one. As I got off, I played 'Acid Darbari' on my iPod. Coincidences can be saved for later.

Accelerated Love
Excitement rushed through his veins when he saw her again. He knew he had to make a deal soon. It was the dawn of a Saturday morning. He was feeling rather unlike himself. He got into his car feeling rather stupid and impulsive for what he was about to do. He didn't even look the part that he had rehearsed several times over in his head. He had phrased his words ever so carefully. There could be no room for any further thought. Well of course, his wrinkled white t shirt and grey sweats could be working a precarious truce in his favor. Or, maybe not. When he reached her abode, his head was still inundated with her thoughts and beauty to care for anything else. He saw her again, but this time she was blissfully unaware.
One signature and he knew it would be a commitment for a lifetime. She would be dependent on him. But he swore to bring the skies & earth together for her happiness. He signed. The reality hit him when the sales associate placed the key on his palm.
He drove back home with a smile plastered on his face in his brand new BMW.

2010 - The year that was
Two feet snow. Sheepskin boots. Scrapes and bruises. Discovering OCD. Drummers with Attitude. Encountering strange creatures. Mice running on arms. Atlantic City. The ARR Jai Ho Concert. Raavanan. Saravana Bhavan. Six Flags and its gravity defying roller coasters. Screaming until I fell sick or threw up. iPhone 4. River-side jogging. Multi-colored popsicles. Ducks & rabbits. Fresh margaritas and lots of it. Struggling to stay on the designated lane in bowling. Fire accidents. NYC. Standing in a three block long line for a free Apple Tshirt. Combating bed bugs. Meeting S & P1 halfway across the world for 2 days. Maoz. Fondues & hot chocolates. Frozen Yogurt. Birthdays at PF Changs. A cathartic trip to remember. Y moving to the same city as me. NYC with S, Y & P2.Wall St. Liberty. WTC. Walking down NYC yet again. New roommates. Crazy girls night outs. Maggi at 3am. Golu. License to drive. Diwali. Potluck. Charades. Mad bachelorette parties. Fancy suede boots. Thanksgiving parades. Holiday parties. A Spanish wish. Beautiful jewelry. Pitzelles. Pink puppies. Baking lessons and experiments. Creepy gingerbread men. Meeting P1 again, this time with D. A disillusioned walk in the stinging cold while P1 mumbles the whole way about chocolates. Last minute uncertainties. A flight back home. Filter coffee and crispy dosas. Kaju katlis and girl bonding.
Looking back, 2010 has been nice to me and I actually found it hard to let go of it. But, there always must be an end for a new beginning. I began 2010 away from my parents and ended it with them. I’m beginning 2011 with hopes of a year that will bring much desired changes in my life.
Happy New Year, everyone! May you all be blessed with six packs this year! :D

Older Somethings
The Legend2 years ago
Suzhalum Irulil4 years ago
Grief4 years ago
After The After6 years ago
Check it out7 years ago
Mind wanderings7 years ago
Cost ‘benefit’ analysis8 years ago
A month into Iran8 years ago
Deviance - For Real!8 years ago
Harp – Book Review8 years ago
Why, hello, self-doubt!10 years ago
cold11 years ago
a random post about reading11 years ago
அக்ஷதை11 years ago
Man of joy - au revoir!11 years ago
Lip smacking memory...11 years ago
Celebrity Cricket League : Whattey!13 years ago
Moving On...13 years ago
My pre-Kindle story13 years ago